The Cedar Reader

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Your Doula, Your Books February 21, 2009

One of the perks about having me as your doula is that you may borrow books from my birth & beyond collection.   It might be a good idea to have a written post of the books I have available.  I have also linked certain books that have a website you can visit.  So have at it!


the birth parnter

birthing from within

breathe your way through birth with yoga

deliver this!

the doula advantage

the doula book

the doula guide to birth

gentle birth choices

homebirth in the hospital

husband-coached childbirth

natural childbirth, the bradley way

pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn

the thinking woman’s guide to a better birth


the nursing mother’s companion

the ultimate breastfeeding book of answers

the womanly art of breastfeeding


the baby book

the baby sleep book

the happiest baby on the block

the no-cry sleep solution

the vaccine book


the discipline book

the everything baby’s first food book

praying the scriptures for your children

teaching godly play

wholesome foods for babies and toddlers


the business of being born DVD

new beginnings

international doula


If that’s not enough, I have tons of Child Development books too!  That’s what you get when you study ECE in college and pursue doula work post-college.